Wireless Penetration Testing in Switzerland (Schweiz )

Eliminate wireless threats with Wireless Penetration Testing

Wireless Pen Testing

During a Wireless Attack & Penetration Test , Secmentis consultants attack your wireless infrastructure from outside your organization. We will simulate hacker attempts to attack and exploit your wireless access points.

The goal is to identify your vulnerabilities in your wireless access points that could enable an outsider to gain access to your internal network, and ultimately, to sensitive business information.

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Approach & Methodology

Our Wireless Penetration Tests are conducted from the perspective of an outsider, or malicious guest. We methodically follow these steps:

  • Reconnaissance & Footprinting to gather intelligence about your wireless environment, wireless encryption employed, and identify all access points that belong to your organization
  • Scanning & Enumeration to discover the most viable wireless targets
  • Attack & Exploitation to attack and compromise wireless targets
  • Access & Exfiltration to extract sensitive data belonging to your company. If attacks are successful, the internal network is scanned and network segmentation is validated. We attempt to access sensitive information, such as personal information, etc., and thus demonstrate the impact of a real wireless attack.

Note: Our penetration tests begin only after you have given us explicit and signed authorization.


Secmentis will provide you with a report which includes the following deliverables at the end of our testing:

  • Executive Summary , highlighting critical wireless vulnerabilities and business risks, and our recommendations
  • Technical Report with our findings and suggested recommendations for remediation and mitigation of the identified vulnerabilities
  • Presentation of the critical vulnerabilities and business risks (optional)


Which vulnerabilities does our Wireless Penetration Test cover?

What our customers say.

What our customers say

  • “It was great working with the Secmentis team: They quickly understood our requirements and appreciated our tight deadlines, and performed very comprehensive, timely, and useful testing.”

    Head of IT, (undisclosed) Internet company

  • “We were extremely pleased with Secmentis’ work on the penetration testing engagements. The reports created by Secmentis were very helpful and of very high quality.”

    Director, (undisclosed) Social Media company

Which vulnerabilities does our Wireless Penetration Test cover?

Our Wireless Penetration Tests cover the most critical wireless vulnerabilities.

Wi-Fi Client Attacks

We perform Wi-Fi attacks against wireless clients to attempt to manipulate WLAN traffic and bypass client isolation.

Weak Wi-Fi Protocols

We exploit Wi-Fi protocol weaknesses to attempt to bypass wireless authentication and gain unauthorized wireless access.

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks

We attempt to identify possible DoS attacks by targeting specific wireless clients or the entire WLAN.

Rogue Access Points

We identify rogue wireless access points within your buildings or offices.

It's not a question of "if", but "when", you will be attacked . Be proactive.

Talk to us today to find out how our experts can best help you