Cyber Security for Professional Services in Spain (España)

professional services industry cyber security

The Challenge

Breaches affect professional services companies of any size, and hackers are known to have obtained information, such as, credit cards and bank account information, customer information, internal company information, and more.

The victim companies rarely detect cyber criminals, until it's too late. Following successful attacks, sensitive information usually ends up on black markets where it is sold wholesale.

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How we can help

Secmentis can help you proactively test your organization's security and defend your critical data through the following services:

What motivates cyber attacks?

  • Information Theft — cyber criminals want to steal customer and business-critical information
  • Espionage — cyber criminals want to monitor your activities and steal information
  • Hacktivism — cyber criminals want to make a political statement
  • Sabotage — cyber criminals want to blackmail or disrupt your business
  • Cyber Warfare — cyber criminals want to steal your business secrets, and use your systems as stepping stones

Examples of cyberattacks

The following are examples of cyber attacks in your industry:

  • Professional Services firms considered a soft route for hackers
  • Rise in Cyberattacks on Professional Services Firms , resulting in leaks of sensitive financial information
  • Accounting and Professional Firms need to worry about being hacked

Cost of A Data Breach for Services sector

$181 per capita, highest overall

(source: Ponemon Institute)

Be ready when adversity strikes.

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