Cyber Security News

November 2023


NY Financial Regulator Beefs Up Cyber Security Rules


Costco Planted Illegal Tracking 'Bug' Online, Privacy Suit Says


Blues Teams with RAKwireless to Streamline Global IIoT Connectivity, Prototyping


Bosch Rexroth Adds Nokia to Automation Ecosystem


CGI, Eutelsat OneWeb, Icomera Pilot Satellite Broadband for UK Trains

What's the worst that could happen?
(Hint: Your trade secrets could be stolen...)


BATM Receives $3m Cyber Security Order

Secmentis specializes in offensive security and provides penetration testing services to organizations worldwide. We provide penetration testing services such as, external and internal network penetration testing, web application and mobile application penetration testing, and physical penetration testing and social engineering.

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