Cyber Security for Gaming in Netherlands (Nederland)

gaming industry cyber security

The Challenge

From casino cyber attacks, to online gaming companies having their valuable source code and unreleased software stolen by cyber criminals, the Gaming industry is squarely a target for hackers.

Can your digital defenses withstand lethal DDoS attacks from malicious individuals seeking to blackmail you for money? Is your network strong enough to deter cyber criminals from stealing sensitive business information? Secmentis can answer these and other questions regarding your security defenses.

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How we can help

Secmentis can help you proactively test your organization's security and defend your critical data through the following services:

What motivates cyber attacks?

  • Information Theft — cyber criminals want to steal customer and business-critical information
  • Espionage — cyber criminals want to monitor your activities and steal information
  • Hacktivism — cyber criminals want to make a political statement
  • Sabotage — cyber criminals want to blackmail or disrupt your business
  • Cyber Warfare — cyber criminals want to steal your business secrets, and use your systems as stepping stones

Examples of cyberattacks

The following are examples of cyber attacks in your industry:

  • Hacker group targets video game companies to steal source code
  • Cybercrime ring hacks video game companies
  • Major casino hacked resulting in customer information compromise
  • Hacking crew steals 150,000 credit cards from casino
  • Las Vegas casino's network hit by destructive malware

Businesses we work with: Casinos, Online casinos, Gambling companies, Online gambling companies, Betting companies, Sports betting companies, Betting exchanges

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.

Talk to us today to find out how our team help you