Intellectual Property

General Guidelines

A trademark is a word, phrase, name, symbol, or design (or a combination of these) that distinguishes and identifies the source of goods or services of a company or person.

Secmentis Ltd is the exclusive owner of its trademarks (“Secmentis trademarks”), and we reserve all rights not expressly granted herein. The Secmentis trademarks are valuable and important intellectual property assets of Secmentis Ltd.

Secmentis Trademark List

The following is a non-exhaustive list of Secmentis’ trademarks and service marks.

  • Secmentis® (character/word mark)
  • Secmentis® Logo (illustration/design mark)
  • Secmentis® Logo (illustration/design + text mark)

The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of Secmentis’ trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.

Other names and brands mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.

Trademark Usage Guidelines

 Use of Secmentis trademarks with permission

You can only use the Secmentis trademarks with a prior written agreement with or written permission by Secmentis Ltd. If you are a licensed user of Secmentis trademarks, you must abide by all requirements set out in your license agreement, in addition to complying with these guidelines. If you have any questions about Secmentis trademarks or these guidelines, please contact us at [email protected].

You may not mislead anyone to think that your products or services are somehow offered, endorsed, or sponsored by Secmentis or any of its subsidiaries.

 Use of Secmentis trademarks with appropriate attribution

Always include the appropriate trademark symbol near any of the Secmentis trademarks in the most prominent place where you use such trademarks in any document or webpage.

 Use of Secmentis logos

Always maintain the legibility of the Secmentis logos and never alter or distort the appearance of the Secmentis logos in any way (e.g. by changing font, color, or design elements)

 Always distinguish Secmentis trademarks from other trademarks

Always keep all Secmentis trademarks (stylized, word, or other trademarks) distinguishable from surrounding text, designs, or images. Never place your company name, trademarks, service marks, or product names immediately next to (or combined with) the Secmentis trademarks. Do not use the Secmentis trademarks as part of, mixed with, or incorporated into your company, products, services, or domain names.

 Do not use the Secmentis trademarks as the name of your company, products, or domain name

Do not use all or parts of the Secmentis trademarks in a manner that may imply sponsorship or corporate affiliation between Secmentis and your company, products or services, or that may dilute the distinctive nature of the Secmentis trademarks.

 Do not copy the look and feel of Secmentis trademarks, website, services or product line

Do not imitate the Secmentis trademarks, logos, logotypes, trade dress, or other elements of the Secmentis website, products and services, in any of your advertising, products, promotional or other materials. Do not seek to create an impression of association between Secmentis and your company in any way.

Last Modified: Sep 1, 2018