Cyber Security for Telecommunications in Germany (Deutschland)

telecommunications industry cyber security

The Challenge

When targeting Telecommunications companies, cyber criminals seek to collect sensitive information, such as, credit cards, customer information, IT infrastructure information, and other sensitive business data.

Telecommunication companies are not immune to hacking attacks, as recent news have revealed; it has become public information that foreign spies infiltrated the internal networks of some of the largest telecom companies in the world.

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How we can help

Secmentis can help you proactively test your organization's security and defend your critical data through the following services:

What motivates cyber attacks?

  • Information Theft — cyber criminals want to steal customer and business-critical information
  • Espionage — cyber criminals want to monitor your activities and steal information
  • Hacktivism — cyber criminals want to make a political statement
  • Sabotage — cyber criminals want to blackmail or disrupt your business
  • Cyber Warfare — cyber criminals want to steal your business secrets, and use your systems as stepping stones

Examples of cyberattacks

The following are examples of cyber attacks in your industry:

  • UK telecom company hacked , 4 Million users' data stolen
  • Anonymous attack claims 64,000 workers data of Tanzanian telecom firm
  • Hackers demand ransom from British telecom TalkTalk
  • The Inside Story of How British Spies Hacked Belgium's Largest Telco
  • Belgacom Attack : Britain's GCHQ Hacked Belgian Telecoms Firm

Cost of A Data Breach for Telecommunications sector

$128 per capita

(source: Ponemon Institute)

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